My First Tableau Conference – A Diary and Tips for the next one

On October 4th 2019, I booked to attend Tableau Conference 2019 in Las Vegas. This was going to be my first Tableau conference and I was buzzing.

Since learning about Tableau and the community, I had heard grand stories about how huge the conference was, how crazy the parties were and how very American it was. And now, I would get to see it for myself.

In the run up to the conference, I read blogs on how to prepare and what to do when I get there, I also sourced advice from the Tableau Twitter community.

The tips that kept coming up:

  • Go to Devs On Stage (keynote where Tableau developers unveil new features)
  • Talk to as many people as you can – i.e. network your ass off
  • Wear comfortable shoes!

I also got recommendations for various sessions including ones by Bethany Lyons, attending hands-on workshops, Fanalytics and more.

With so much to do and limited time, I decided to set 3 simple goals only and as long as I accomplished them, I could go home feeling like I’ve gotten something out of it.

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