Discovering Tableau

Hello all!

Welcome to my blog and my first ever post 🙂 Let me introduce my story so far…

I graduated from university with an engineering degree in July 2018 without a job lined up. I was now an adult in the real world without any source of income or a clear career path. As you can imagine, it was daunting. After applying to dozens of jobs, ranging from finance jobs to healthcare jobs, I was blessed to find an ad for a Trainee Data Consultant position at the Data School (part of the Information Lab).

Refreshingly, the Data School did not require a CV or cover letter (thank you!). Instead, download Tableau Public, a free visualisation software, and create something amazing. Now I was not expecting much from Tableau but surprisingly, it was so much fun!

Here is what I created for my initial application (see full viz here):


For those looking to apply to the Data School, feedback on your work will be provided before you officially submit your viz. Iteration is key!

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