The Best of DS11

This week is DS11’s last week of training. Next week, we’ll all be split up and sent to our placements for the next 6 months. We probably won’t all be back together for a while so I’ve been feeling quite reflective. Throughout the past 4 months, we have done some amazing work and in this post, I would like to highlight the vizzes and blogs that are personally my favourite. DS11 has produced so much useful and incredible content over the past few months and this post can’t possibly cover it all so be sure to check out our Twitters and Tableau Public profiles.

Meet us!

Favourite Viz : One

How could I have a favourite viz section and not include this beautiful viz by Ellie. This viz was done for Dashboard Week Day 1 and deservedly got Viz of the Day! Check it out here. Isn’t the snow incredible?!

Ellie’s VOTD!
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